Our company is registered at the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic - the licence No.133. Responsible auditor is Ing. Jan Šveďuk, the licence No. 1973 holder. In the field of auditing services our company offers the following products:
Statutory audit is designed for clients whose duty of final accounts check-up is follows from the law and also for clients who voluntarily choose this way of audit aiming to gain an independent view of state of their finances. The position of an auditor and basic principles of statutory audit are provided in Act No.524/1992 Coll., On Auditors and the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic as amended. ...more
This service is designed for clients without a duty of an obligatory audit but who despite this prefer complex accounts examination by an auditor. In this case after the complex accounts check-up the auditor´s report is not issued, the statement to the accounts is formulated in the letter for the accounting entity administration. Found inaccuracies are described in the letter together with recommended solutions, but their elimination and following check-up is not the auditor´s task. The price of accounts assessment depends on the execution time of the examinationand it is set in a similar way to the statutory audit price. The fact that there is no auditor´s record or report issued is taken into account in the calculated time, of course. Therefore the price is lower by cca 20%. ...more
A kind of verification of a pre – defined field of the accounting system which is considered risky by the client. The result is a report including information about the process and the result of the verification and possible remedies. ...more
This service is for clients who need an auditor´s statement on specific fields of accounting such as e.g. auditor´s acknowledgement of basic capital pay-off, of existence of disposable sources for increasing basic capital, of utilization of specific-purpose-bound means, etc. ...more
This form of auditing is focused only on specific areas or time periods of an accounting entity. Forensic audit is provided mainly in cases of suspicion of defraudation or illegal manipulation with the accounting entity´s property, etc. ...more